Ann Perrin

Sad news has reached us at the GSPS of the passing of Ann Perrin on 24th May this year.

Many members will be aware of Ann’s involvement with the Goons as one of the puppeteers who made the Telegoons films.
Others will remember Ann’s attendance at several GSPS London meetings, usually accompanied by her Eccles puppet. Or her story, as part of Telegoons issues of our newsletters. Indeed, she had been due to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Telegoons at our meeting last September, only to be thwarted by a rail strike.

Our condolences go to Robin and all the family.

Take a look at Anne’s websites – blogpuppethouse YouTube – to get a flavour of her puppetry, poetry and much more

Anne’s funeral will be at 1pm on Monday 17th June 2024 at the Downs Crematorium in Brighton, followed by a celebration of her amazing life at The Downs Hotel in Woodingdean.