Join the GSPS

You’re ready to become one of us? Here we go….

Annual UK Membership£12.50
Annual Overseas Membership£15.00
Annual Electronic Membership£8.00


Bloodnok: Open your wallet and repeat after me …. Help Yourself.
The Membership Secretary: Sit down, Dennis. We offer other ways…

The easiest way is to make an electronic payment. Those of you who have a PayPal account can transfer your payment from it to us. If you don’t have a PayPal account you can still pay as a ‘guest’ using a debit or credit card.

Of course, you don’t have to use PayPal (we know that some people don’t like it…), you can use your own Online Banking system to transfer the funds to us directly.

Alternatively, you can send a cheque, payable to: ‘The Goon Show Preservation Society’  (not to any individual), to Colin the Membership Secretary. Please print and complete this form to accompany it.
Overseas people, please note that the GSPS can’t accept cheques which are sent directly, in any currency other than British Pounds Sterling. This is because the bank charges a conversion fee which is more than the cheque is worth.

Your subscription is due annually. If you’re sending a cheque and require a reply on any matter, please enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope.

We’re a bunch of volunteers, so please don’t be too disappointed if you don’t get an immediate reply.

Overseas applications can be forwarded to any of those folk listed on our Contacts Page, but please check with them first exactly how much you should send in your own currency to equal the correct value in sterling OR if not then pay to the PayPal account as above.

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DATA PROTECTION ACT:- The information supplied with payments will be used for GSPS business purposes by GSPS officers only. Disclosure will only be made under current UK statutory obligations.